


Here are just a few general techniques to improve lawn health & appearance along with reducing excess water use.

– After your spring clean-up, raise mower deck to at least 3” in height and leave it the rest of the summer. Lawns maintained at higher mowing heights have a deeper root system and will be able to acquire water from a larger volume of soil.

– A darker lush green appearance.

– It provides shade to soil, retaining moisture during hot and dry weather.                         

– Reduce the risk of disease.  – Reduce unwanted broadleaf weed germination.

–  Mowing more frequently, avoids removing over 1/3 of the grass blade at one time.

– Always maintain a sharp mowing blade. Dull blades can cause wounds in the grass blade resulting in 30-50 % increased water loss.


Water is essential for your lawn! Proper knowledge of one’s lawn and sprinkler system can be used to apply the correct amount of water, which not only keeps your lawn healthy but also saves money and water in the long run.

– Water deep and less frequent.  Watering 3 to 4 times per week for longer periods is much healthier for the lawn than watering every day. 

– Maintain adequate moisture to the depth of rooting, usually the top 2 to 3 inches of soil.

– Early mornings are best. Little wind and lower temperatures will reduce evaporation water loss.

– Very important to water 3 to 4 hours after a fertilizer application has been made.

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